Pay your student's  Performance Enhancement Fee / Uniform Fee by clicking one of the options to the right! 
One fee  - $200.00 - covers it all!

The Performance Enhancement Fee / Uniform Fee must be paid
by each singer that participates in Cambridge Chorus.

This fee covers the following expenses for each singer:
- Performance Attire / Cambridge Chorus T-Shirt
- Professional Accompanist Fees for each concert
- Food expenses during some Cambridge Chorus events
- Non-Profit Insurance and State Registation Fees
- LGPE Ensemble Registration
- Eligibility for Honor Chorus Opportunities
- Eligibility for End of Year Banquet
- And much more!

Thank you for your support of Cambridge Chorus!

Please reach out Paige Mack (, Booster President,
if this fee causes a financial complication. 
We have payment plans to help you!

Choral Handbook 2022.docx